Anime Art ⛩🖼, Digital Art of many Anime characters ,Special coin used in shop and Metavers city 📺, Holders can free mint Mutant CGW and Cool Wolf 🐺

Road Map
1-website and social accounts️
2-Create Cool GirlS World Coin️
3-ART Gallery ️
4-Mutant Cool GIRLS World
5-Cool Wolf NFT Collection
6-Stack NFT
7-CGW Shop
8-Sand box land as Meta verse address
9- CGW NFT market

CGW Project
Cool Girls World NFT’s is a 10k Nfts collection made from 100 cool Girls Base and many cool and colorful layers
The project is an amine art and have many characters with many types from queens, warriors and people which make each NFT have identity.
it’s cool art and life long project for supporting the community
75% of the project wallet go to community

we are Engineers and artists with coding, art and marketing back ground we like the anime and we start Cool Girl World NFTs project also we like to have more family member with the holders.
it’s life long project for us and all coming art will give for free to holder and community wallet will make projects for community they will vote for it, life is a story and we will have it together.
We will work full time for this project supporting the community and improving the project and we will make art and give it free to community.

